When I launch Rtabmap the kinect camera is not found despite of it is listed on lsusb.
I did the cmake and make install smoothly.
Any reason why is happening ?
cmake log:
Found Freenect: /usr/include
-- Found freenect2: /home/brunoeducsantos/freenect2/include
CMake Warning at cmake_modules/FindKinectSDK2.cmake:71 (message):
Directory "" not found.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake_modules/FindKinectSDK2.cmake:119 (check_dir)
CMakeLists.txt:270 (FIND_PACKAGE)
Re: RTABMAP launch is not detecting kinnect (Ubuntu)
If Freenect2 option is available under menu Detection->Select Source->RGB-D Camera->Kinect v2, it should open it. If not, there should be an error in the terminal.
Re: RTABMAP launch is not detecting kinnect (Ubuntu)
The option is available .
The log is the following :
[ WARN] (2017-12-21 14:52:04.682) Parameters.cpp:817::readINI() Section "Core" in /home/brunoeducsantos/.rtabmap/rtabmap.ini doesn't exist... Ignore this warning if the ini file does not exist yet. The ini file will be automatically created when rtabmap will close.
[ INFO] (2017-12-21 14:52:05.118) PreferencesDialog.cpp:2136::writeSettings() modified Stereo/MaxDisparity = 128.0->99.99
Re: RTABMAP launch is not detecting kinnect (Ubuntu)
It doesn't show any similar error. :(
I can understand why it isn't making the initialization :(
The only option is wrong installation or any freenect2 configuration.