RVIZ dies out when downloading the mapcloud.

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RVIZ dies out when downloading the mapcloud.

Hello matlabbe,

I am trying to use the move_base 2D navigation. Everythig is working fine. I want to visualize the 3D environment while navigating. However, when I use /robot/rtabmap/cloud_map topic to download the pointcloud from MapCloud, the RVIZ dies out. I have attached the launch file and the database as well.

Also, how can I make the rviz to localize the rover when it is launched so that I do't have to use 2D pose estimate. Thanks.




Luanch File

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Re: RVIZ dies out when downloading the mapcloud.

However, when I use /robot/rtabmap/cloud_map topic to download the pointcloud from MapCloud, the RVIZ dies out.
Are you using rtabmap binaries? Update all ros packages in case some have unsynced versions:
sudo apt upgrade
If you use it from source, upgrade your packages like above and rebuild your catkin workspace. Also MapCloud plugin in RVIZ should subscribe to /rtabmap/mapData topic, not cloud_map.

For the initial pose, it is possible to set parameter "initial_pose" of rtabmap node (format: "x y z roll pitch yaw"). Other option is if you want the robot to start always from origin of the map, you can set parameter "RGBD/StartAtOrigin" to true. Otherwise, rtabmap will always initialize the pose of the robot on start based on last pose of previous session (for example, if the robot came back to docking station and shut down, rtabmap will assume it is restarting from that docking station on start).

A quick look to your launch file (note that the databases cannot be downloaded without asking permission), you should not set static transforms for map of odom frames, they will be published by odometry and mapping nodes. I would remove these:
<node pkg="tf2_ros" type="static_transform_publisher" name="odom_robot" args="$(arg optical_rotate2) robot/odom robot/chassis "/>
<node pkg="tf2_ros" type="static_transform_publisher" name="static_transform_map_to_odom" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 /map /odom"/>
<node pkg="tf2_ros" type="static_transform_publisher" name="static_transform_map_to_robot_map" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 map robot/map"/>

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Re: RVIZ dies out when downloading the mapcloud.

Hello matlabbe,

Now, I can download the 3D pontcloud with that topic. Also, the initial_pose in the launch file worked. Thanks.

Rakesh Yadav