RealSense R200 send data problem

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RealSense R200 send data problem

I wrote a code to send rgb and depth data from robot to ground station for mapping(I didnt used rtabmap remote).evry thing is ok when I test this with asus xtion pro live , but when we use Real sense R200 , if we compress 640*480 depth image and send it , there is no problem but when we resize it for example to 320*240 and then compres it (for less size to transmit) and then resize this to 640*480 in ground station there is a problem which showing on below image  , while this resizing process is ok when we use xtion.
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Re: RealSense R200 send data problem


How do you resize and compress (format) the images? If we interpolate depth images like any kind of images this would add depth artefacts. See util2d::interpolate() for example (there is also util2d::decimate()). Make sure you are using "image_transport:=compressedDepth" with the depth topic and not "image_transport:=compressed" (which would add jpeg artefacts).

Note that you don't need to resize back the depth image if you want more efficiency. rtabmap can handle combination of RGB images of 640x480 with depth images of 320x240, the conditions are that the camera_info used is the one of the RGB image (default), that original depth images 640x480 were already registered to RGB camera and that depth image size is a integer decimation of the RGB image size (e.g., here is 2x smaller).

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Re: RealSense R200 send data problem

the problem is solved . I changed the realsense launch file to get depth image with size 320×240 and then sent it to ground station and resize to 640×480 .
thanks ;)