Realsense R200 in ROS kinetic not recognized.

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Realsense R200 in ROS kinetic not recognized.

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Hi I have Realsense R200 (with updated firmware) in a Aaeon UP (amd64) and runing ROS kinetic (full desktop) in Linux 16.04 (amd64), kernel 4.4.02 upbard and realsense SDK( Legacy)
I can see the cameras in guview, depth map rviz. Following and Checking the tutorials of. Intel Robotic Kit all work like should be.

When I run rtabmap standalonel, I can't chose R200 in the rgb-d list, it is in black font color.
If I run via handheld .launch, rtabmap show the windows, but nothig happen.

Rtabmap didn't work before of after update the r200 firmware.

Any help please?

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Re: Realsense R200 in ROS kinetic not recognized.

On ros, did you follow this tutorial following R200 instructions?

Make sure RGB, depth and camera_info topics are published after you launch the realsense driver:
$ rostopic hz /camera/rgb/image_rect_color \
    /camera/rgb/camera_info \

For the standalone, the realsense driver is not built-in by default in the rtabmap kinetic binaries. rtabmap should be rebuilt so that realsense driver is included in the standalone. In your case, it should be simpler to use ROS to avoid rebuilding rtabmap. With R200, you will get similar result than on standalone using the second approach explained in the R200 instructions of the tutorial linked above:
$ roslaunch realsense_camera r200_nodelet_rgbd.launch

// To get registration without empty lines
$ rosrun rtabmap_ros pointcloud_to_depthimage cloud:=/camera/depth/points \
   camera_info:=/camera/rgb/camera_info \
   image_raw:=/camera/depth/points/image_raw \
   image:=/camera/depth/points/image \
   _approx:=false \

// Using depth registered from `rtabmap_ros/pointcloud_to_depthimage`
$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros rtabmap.launch \
   rtabmap_args:="--delete_db_on_start" \

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Re: Realsense R200 in ROS kinetic not recognized.

Oh thank you for answer, I just executed the rtabmap command in the terminal as with my kinect v1 in Indigo (now kinetic) and armhf  (now amd64). I will check out all and confirm you.