Recording data for post-processing?

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Recording data for post-processing?

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Hello again and merry Christmas.

I wonder if it’s possible to just record data for postprocessing instead of doing all slam calculations on the spot.

Like record using my D455f with a weaker windows laptop and process in post on my more powerful computer later.
Construction surveyor since 2006 and tech-nerd.

I also use WebODM!
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Re: Recording data for post-processing?

Merry Christmas!

There is no explicit “one-click” option to do it but it is possible. Under Tools menu, there is a tool called “Data recorder…”, click on it to enable it. This will record camera data (including IMU gravity constraints) at camera frame rate.

To use the less CPU possible, you would want to somewhat disable vslam from running in the background. To do so, in general settings, click on “Disable odometry”. Under Vocabulary section, set “Maximum words” to -1, this will disable loop closure detection. Under Database section, uncheck “Keep compressed data” and “keep not linked nodes”. After recording, you could discard that datsbase and keep only the Data recorder one (output.db).

After recording an output.db database, you will be able replay it on another computer with default vslam configs. Under Source tab in Preferences, select « Database » source and select the output.db file in parameters below.
