Regarding post-processing (tools and different outputs)

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Regarding post-processing (tools and different outputs)

Dear Mathieu,

We are having some difficulties to understand database post processing and we would be grateful if you could provide some directions.
We have been using the database viewer and command line, but the post-processed database displays different behaviors.
*The Rtabmap version we are using is v0.19.3.

For example, when we add more loop closures by command line (“rtabmap-detectMoreLoopClosures”), the post processed database can be loaded by rtabmap with no problems. However, when we add more loop closures with the database viewer, the post processed database can't be loaded.
In some cases, using database recovery allows rtabmap to load the database.

Another example is when we set parameters, like "RGBD/SavedLocalizationIgnored" to "true". This parameter is not available in the database viewer so I assume the only possible way to set it is by a launch file. However, by doing so, rtabmap can't load the database.

Please help us understand the following:
a) are there differences in post processing the database using "command line" and "database viewer"?
b) is the best way of setting parameters by launch file?
c) how could we debug the above errors?

best regards,