Rejected loop closure 93 -> 173: Too large rotation detected!

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Rejected loop closure 93 -> 173: Too large rotation detected!


I am doing 3D mapping with Kinect 360 camera using RTABMAP. Mapping starts well and then I start getting this two errors:

"[ WARN] (2020-07-22 14:50:09.654) Rtabmap.cpp:2144::process() Rejected loop closure 93 -> 173: Too large rotation detected! (pitch=0.000000, yaw=0.000000) max is -1.628242"

[ WARN] (2020-07-22 14:57:33.872) Rtabmap.cpp:2144::process() Rejected loop closure 57 -> 99: Not enough inliers after bundle adjustment 0/20 (matches=70) between 57 and 99

They occur in between lots of successful readings. For moving a robot I use:

rostopic pub -1 cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '[0.1, 0, 0]' '[0, 0, 0]'
and for rotation I use:

rostopic pub -1 cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '[0, 0, 0]' '[0, 0, 0.1]'
I am using Pioneer 3-AT with ROS Melodic.

Here is my Gazebo world: Here are my map when it is still correct:, and when error occurs:

Here is my rtabmap.launch file:


<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="rgbd_sync" args="standalone rtabmap_ros/rgbd_sync" output="screen">
      <remap from="rgb/image"        to="/camera/rgb/image_raw"/>
      <remap from="depth/image"      to="/camera/depth/image_raw"/>
      <remap from="rgb/camera_info"  to="/camera/rgb/camera_info"/>
      <remap from="rgbd_image"       to="rgbd_image"/> 

<node pkg="rtabmap_ros" type="rgbd_odometry" name="rgbd_odometry" output="screen">
    <remap from="rgb/image"       to="/camera/rgb/image_raw"/>
    <remap from="depth/image"     to="/camera/depth/image_raw"/>
    <remap from="rgb/camera_info" to="/camera/rgb/camera_info"/>
    <remap from="rgbd_image" to="rgbd_image"/>
<node pk<launch>

<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="rgbd_sync" args="standalone rtabmap_ros/rgbd_sync" output="screen">
      <remap from="rgb/image"        to="/camera/rgb/image_raw"/>
      <remap from="depth/image"      to="/camera/depth/image_raw"/>
      <remap from="rgb/camera_info"  to="/camera/rgb/camera_info"/>
      <remap from="rgbd_image"       to="rgbd_image"/> 

<node pkg="rtabmap_ros" type="rgbd_odometry" name="rgbd_odometry" output="screen">
    <remapg="robot_localization" type="ekf_localization_node" name="ekf_localization" clear_params="true" output="screen">


  <rosparam param="odom0_config">[true, true, false,
                                  false, false, true,
                                  false, false, false,
                                  false, false, false,
                                  false, false, false]</rosparam>

  <rosparam param="pose0_config">[
                                 true,   true,  false,
                                 false,  false, true,
                                 false,  false, false,
                                 false,  false, false,
                                 false,  false, false] </rosparam> 




<node name="rtabmap" pkg="rtabmap_ros" type="rtabmap" output="screen" args="--delete_db_on_start">

    <remap from="odom"       to="odom"/>
    <remap from="rgbd_image" to="rgbd_image"/>



Did someone have this problem or does someone know how to fix it? Thanks in advance.

Best regards.