Rendering reconstruction in Unity3D in real-time

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Rendering reconstruction in Unity3D in real-time

Hi everyone :)

Im currently attempting to create a plugin for Unity 3D where I can get the reconstruction from RTAB map and render it on Unity in realtime. On rtab side im running an Ubuntu 16.04 with ros kinetic and rtabmap_ros configured and set. Before I go too deep I was wondering if there already exists a solution or someone has already got their hands a little dirty.

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Re: Rendering reconstruction in Unity3D in real-time


I think there are some rosbridge to unity libraries out there (like this one). Maybe there are some more recent. But if you find one that can convert PointCloud2 messages, you could get /rtabmap/cloud_map topic from rtabmap streamed to Unity. It won't be the most efficient (as using /rtabmap/mapData), but it can give an idea on how transferring data between ROS and Unity.
