Rtabmap failed without log

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Rtabmap failed without log

Hi, I'm using rtabmap with Velodyne sensor. In order to take advantage of loam velodyne algorithm of odometry, I rebuilt the rtabmap by myself. However, when I tried to start the ros with rtabmap, it keeps failed without any log.
The following is my output.

[rtabmap/rtabmap-20] process has died [pid 9382, exit code -11, cmd /home/jack/turtlebot/devel/lib/rtabmap_ros/rtabmap --delete_db_on_start move_base:=/move_base scan:=/scan scan_cloud:=/velodyne_points rgb/image:=/main_camera/image_raw depth/image:=/ rgb/camera_info:=/main_camera/camera_info odom:=/odometry/filtered imu:=/rtabmap/imu grid_map:=/map __name:=rtabmap __log:=/home/jack/.ros/log/d3c29b42-08d6-11ec-818d-00044be6f140/rtabmap-rtabmap-20.log].
log file: /home/jack/.ros/log/d3c29b42-08d6-11ec-818d-00044be6f140/rtabmap-rtabmap-20*.log

I suppose the log file will be under "/home/jack/.ros/log/d3c29b42-08d6-11ec-818d-00044be6f140". However, I couldn't find any file start with "rtabmap"
And now I have no clues to solve this issue.

I do find some topics the error might be due to the rebuilt, but I don't have any clue how to test the standalone rebuilt work or not. Since I can start the GUI interface in the terminal, I suppose it works.

Please correct me if I have any misunderstanding about the usage of the package.

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Re: Rtabmap failed without log


see https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap_ros/issues/28 and show the backtrace of gdb.