Rtabmap windows with GPS and zed

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Rtabmap windows with GPS and zed

Hi I have been testing all kinds of settings to try and get better results from my kinect and from my zed camera. But I have been have a lot of issues with drift. I've calibrated a few times and still nothing. So I bought a usb gps (vfan usb gps receiver) to try and use this with optometry but I'll be honest I am very new to all of this and I am week in coding. Do you have any suggestions? I really love the program, I just would like to be able to use the data for my final project in my geography undergrad. The school I am with is also going to use the methods I develop to map historical sites along the Colorado river this summer with the USGS. So I want to make it as easy for them as I can.
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Re: Rtabmap windows with GPS and zed


The gps won't really help for the drift problem at local scale. Are you using ROS or the standalone app? Which RTAB-Map version? If you have a database to share, it could help seeing what kind of environment you are mapping. If it is outdoor and there could be direct sunlight, I recommend to use the zed camera over the kinect.

If you have some money to spend to get a very simple scanner with low drift, you may look at the Google Tango option (e.g., Asus Zenfone AR), with RTAB-Map Tango.

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Re: Rtabmap windows with GPS and zed

I have been using the zed for outdoor mapping and I have 0.18.0 rtab-map that I use. I am using rtab-map on windows as a stand alone app for scanning and walking with the zed camera. I am new to this so any recommendations would be awesome. I am not sure if the database got attached of not.
Thanks for your reply.
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Re: Rtabmap windows with GPS and zed


It is difficult to tell without some pictures of your results or even a database to share. I don't see attached database, the best is to upload it to a dropbox/cloudshare/google drive and copy the link here.
