Run rtabmap without rgbd_mapping.launch or rtabmap.launch

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Run rtabmap without rgbd_mapping.launch or rtabmap.launch

Hello matlabbe

I would like to work with rtabmap in the following way, but not if this is the right thing to do:

In a few words I do the following:

1.- Execute from console the following instruction:

$ ratbamap

With this I get rtabmap started as such.

2.- I create a new database and I start to make a map in a normal way; So far so good, but the problem I have is that when you start simulating rviz and want to visualize the 3D point cloud and the occupation grid map (2D map), I can not do it because certain topics are not published, because example:

/ rtabmap / proj_map
/ rtabmap / grid_map

Now, I have noticed that when executing rgbd_mapping.launch or rtabmap.launch these and other topics if they are published, which allows me to be able to visualize the 3D point cloud and the occupancy grid map (2D map) in rviz.

Summarizing all the above, I have the following doubts:

What am I doing wrong?

Is there any way for all of these topics to be published, that is, as if you were using rgbd_mapping.launch or rtabmap.launch?

What node or nodes should I run, so that I can visualize the information I want from rviz?

Thank you in advance, and I hope a quick response, thank you.
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Re: Run rtabmap without rgbd_mapping.launch or rtabmap.launch


When launching:
$ rtabmap
it is the standalone version of rtabmap that is launched (without ROS). You can use rtabmap.launch for convenience to use rtabmap under ROS:
$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros rtabmap.launch args:="-d" rviz:=true
The 'args:="-d"' make rtabmap delete the previous database (in ~/.ros/rtabmap.db) before starting.

See this tutorial for examples to use directly with a camera (like the standalone version):

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Re: Run rtabmap without rgbd_mapping.launch or rtabmap.launch

Hello matlabbe

Thank you very much for responding, now I understand.

But now I would like to ask you the following:

How does the location mode of rtabmap work?

Could you provide me with a tutorial or some example?

The truth is that I do not understand exactly how it works and reading on the net I have found the following commands:

$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros rtabmap.launch localization: = true rtabmapviz: = false rviz: = true

$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros rtabmap.launch localization: = true

But in the same way I do not understand what exactly they do.

Thank you again and waiting for your prompt response.
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Re: Run rtabmap without rgbd_mapping.launch or rtabmap.launch

See section 3.1 here.

When setting parameter "Mem/IncrementalMemory" to false, no changes will be added to database.