Running rtabmap without visual display - error

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Running rtabmap without visual display - error

I'm attempting to run rtabmap via ssh where the target computer has rgbd+gpu but does not have a display attached. I merely want to listen to the rostopics from the machine. I've encountered the following error:

$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros swatbot.launch &
[3] 14937
ubuntu@tegra-ubuntu:~/catkin_ws$ ... logging to /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/a9311982-4787-11e6-a22c-7cdd90a6a500/roslaunch-tegra-ubuntu-14937.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server


 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.16
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/Mem/IncrementalMemory: true
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/Mem/InitWMWithAllNodes: false
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/config_path: 
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/database_path: ~/.ros/rtabmap.db
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/frame_id: camera_link
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/queue_size: 10
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/stereo_approx_sync: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_depth: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_scan: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_scan_cloud: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_stereo: False
 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/wait_for_transform_duration: 0.2

    rtabmap (rtabmap_ros/rtabmap)


core service [/rosout] found
process[rtabmap/rtabmap-1]: started with pid [14955]
[ INFO] [1468257107.474703839]: Starting node...
[ INFO] [1468257107.594575276]: rtabmap: frame_id = camera_link
[ INFO] [1468257107.594667026]: rtabmap: map_frame_id = map
[ INFO] [1468257107.594709192]: rtabmap: queue_size = 10
[ INFO] [1468257107.594762441]: rtabmap: tf_delay = 0.050000
[ INFO] [1468257107.594803608]: rtabmap: depth_cameras = 1
[ INFO] [1468257107.873803135]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Mem/IncrementalMemory"="true"
[ INFO] [1468257107.875638619]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Mem/InitWMWithAllNodes"="false"
[ INFO] [1468257109.741751248]: RTAB-Map detection rate = 1.000000 Hz
[ WARN] [1468257109.741953829]: ROS param subscribe_depth and subscribe_stereo are false, but RTAB-Map parameter "RGBD/Enabled" is true! Please set subscribe_depth or subscribe_stereo to true to use rtabmap node for RGB-D SLAM, or set "RGBD/Enabled" to false for loop closure detection on images-only.
[ INFO] [1468257109.742038745]: rtabmap: Using database from "/home/ubuntu/.ros/rtabmap.db".
[ INFO] [1468257110.031701345]: rtabmap: Database version = "0.11.7".
[ INFO] [1468257110.230263919]: 
/rtabmap/rtabmap subscribed to:
[ INFO] [1468257110.230546000]: rtabmap 0.11.7 started...
[ERROR] (2016-07-11 17:11:50.716) Rtabmap.cpp:880::process() RGB-D SLAM mode is enabled and no odometry is provided. Image 16981 is ignored!
[ WARN] [1468257110.717457935]: RTAB-Map could not process the data received! (ROS id = 16981)
[ INFO] [1468257110.719070837]: rtabmap: Update rate=1.000000s, Limit=0.000000s, Processing time = 0.006810s (14 local nodes)

Note: I was originally using a custom launch which had both rtabmaprviz and rviz disabled. I thought that may have been the issue but when trying with rtabmap.launch I'm receiving the same issue.
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Re: Running rtabmap without visual display - error

The first warning is telling that subscribe_depth and subscribe_stereo are both False. Well, I'm not sure why rtabmap.launch would throw the same error (unless these parameters were set to false prior to start the launch file). Try killing the roscore before starting rtabmap.launch again to see if the same warning still appear.

The actual error says that odometry is not provided but RGB-D SLAM mode is activated. By not setting subscribe_depth or subscribe_stereo, rtabmap node is in loop closure-only mode (only a single RGB image is used as input, ignoring depth and odometry).

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Re: Running rtabmap without visual display - error

I double checked my rtabmap.launch and rtabmapviz is set to true while rviz is set to false. I relaunched rtabmap.launch which gave the same error so I restarted and relaunched
$ roslaunch freenect_launch freenect.launch depth_registration:=true &
$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros rtabmap.launch
 which must have been what did the trick. Everything is working and rostopic list on the master pulls everything in. I was even able to pull in specific parts of rtabmap in via Rviz which leads me to another question but I'll ask open a new one for that.
