SLAM with multiple Oak-D cameras

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SLAM with multiple Oak-D cameras

Hi community,

I intend to run RTAB-map with a camera setup consisting of front-facing Oak-D Pro and two side Oak-D Pro W cameras. Additionally, the robot is equipped with Xsens IMU. The static transformation between cameras is defined by CAD model. Is there an option to use all mentioned sensors for a wide FOV SLAM? What about a data sync of all sensors? Thank you.

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Re: SLAM with multiple Oak-D cameras


yes it is possible if the Oak-D Pro and Oak-D Pro W cameras can be configured to use same resolution. You can then use rgbd_sync nodes to generate three rtabmap_sync/rgbd_image topics that you can feed to rtabmap_odom/rgbd_odometry and rtabmap_slam/rtabmap nodes with "subscribe_rgbd=true".

I assume Xsens imu topic has quaternion already computed (if not, look for madgwick imu filter node), so remap topic to imu topic in rgbd_odometry (with param wait_imu_to_init=true) and rtabmap to use it.

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Re: SLAM with multiple Oak-D cameras

Thank you @matlabbe for your quick reply. Regarding the resolution settings, only stereo cams need to use the same resolution or also RGB cameras?

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Re: SLAM with multiple Oak-D cameras

Every camera setups (multi-stereo, multi rgbd-d, multi rgb).