SOLVED: 'rtabmap wants topic to have data type' error

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SOLVED: 'rtabmap wants topic to have data type' error

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I am running into this error but am not sure how to troubleshoot:

[ERROR] [1550165102.545272396]: Client [/rtabmap/rtabmap] wants topic /kinect2/data_throttled_camera_info 
to have datatype/md5sum [sensor_msgs/Image/060021388200f6f0f447d0fcd9c64743], 
but our version has [sensor_msgs/CameraInfo/c9a58c1b0b154e0e6da7578cb991d214]. Dropping connection.

Here is the rtabmap launch file, which I run on my desktop PC:


And this is the launch file to start the sensors separately on the robot, which is using an nvidia jetson TX2. I roslaunch the launch file by ssh'ing into the TX2:


I have also attached my kinect2_bridge launch file:


Ideally I would like to just use the sd depthcloud for the sake of speed, is it just a simple case of changing

 <arg name="resolution" default="qhd" />

to sd in the bringup file for the data_throttle nodelet? Or would I need to also add the parameter to the rtabmap launch section too?

Thank you!

EDIT: My apologies, I had a mistake in one of the parameter lines and had assigned a camera info topic to the depth topic! Problem solved
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Re: SOLVED: 'rtabmap wants topic to have data type' error

Glad you solved the problem. A small note for the "Client X wants topic..." error, it means that the rtabmap version is not the same on robot and remote computer. I think this is what you found, but in rtabmap.launch, it should be:
<arg name="rgb_topic" default="/kinect2/data_throttled_image"/>
<arg name="depth_topic" default="/kinect2/data_throttled_image_depth"/>
<arg name="camera_info_topic" default="/kinect2/data_throttled_camera_info"/>

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Re: SOLVED: 'rtabmap wants topic to have data type' error
