Sample launch file

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Sample launch file


My setup is odometry + Hokuyo + RGBD (Xtion) + Velodyne VLP 16
I have build RTABMAP library with libpointmatcher and mapping works perfectly fine with the RGBD.
I am however not able to get the velodyne data to be fed into the rtabmap_ros. There is always an error message with the icp_odometry nodelet and no data been received on the terminal.
Can you please show a sample launch file for what parameters to use for this setup. The robot is intended to be used in indoor environments.

Also is it possible to use data from spherical camera systems that provides 360 degree view such as the Richoh Theta camera to the rtabmap system?


------ Alex
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Re: Sample launch file

In reply to this post by alexr
Hi Alex,

You may look at those examples here:

For the 360 camera, no, it is not supported (actually I don't know what is the actual format of this kind of cameras). However, fisheye cameras are supported. Not sure if you could split the 360 images into 2x180 deg images. Even if they can be split into 2x fisheyes, the images would be only used for texturing or coloring lidar clouds, visual odometry won't work (unless having 2 synchronized Rhicoh cameras acting like 2 stereo fisheye cameras, though I doubt we can synchronized them.), so you would need to use icp_odometry or any external odometry working with those cameras.
