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This post was updated on .
I know I can fuse imu with xtion(kinect) to improve accuracy of mapping as mentioned previously in this site.

but when I run the launch_file many "TF" errors occurred. i tried many times to solve this problem with ROS TF static publisher but it didn't help.

Can anyone guide me as to do this???

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Re: SensorFusion

Jimmy Notron
Do you have any IMU that publishing data in path is wrote in launch file ?
way to go! ;)
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Re: SensorFusion

This post was updated on .
Yes, of course.
the error is about  TF relation between "Odom" and  "camera_link".
and between "base_Link" and "camera_depth_optical_frame".
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Re: SensorFusion

Can you copy/paste the errors?

Also post your TF tree to see if the frames are published:
$ rosrun tf view_frames
$ evince  frame.pdf
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Re: SensorFusion

This post was updated on .
Thanks matlabbe.
It's been solved but a new problem happened
the point Cloud, as shown in the photo below, start rotating



in taking this photo everything is fixed.
can anyone help me solving ?

thank you.
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Re: SensorFusion

Is the output of the sensor fusion? Are the inputs drifting?

Compare output of visual odometry and the output of sensor fusion.
$ rostopic echo /odometry_combined
$ rostopic echo /rtabmap/odometry