Set PC as master and use PC as

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Set PC as master and use PC as

I've read a few tutorials on remote mapping using RTabmap and a Raspberry Pi, and most of them run the mapping on the Raspberry Pi. The way I have mine set up is Pi connected to my PC over LAN. I've looked at the rtabmap_ros/Tutorials/RemoteMapping page, but it set the robot(Pi) as the master, and I'm not sure if that means the mapping is done on the Pi? Is there a way to let my PC workstation do the mapping and only use the Pi3 as data collection?

Thank you
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Re: Set PC as master and use PC as


Actually the Remote Mapping tutorial is running the mapping on the workstation. It doesn't matter which computer is the ros master. The mapping node doesn't need to be on the same computer than the ros master.

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Re: Set PC as master and use PC as

Thank you!