Slow initialization with roscore on different IP

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Slow initialization with roscore on different IP


I've made a ton of progress with my work thanks to the helpful members here, so first thank you!

I'm currently trying to run multiple RTAB-Maps over a wifi network on multiple embedded platforms. Each platform (NVIDIA TX1) is attempting to run its own RTAB-Map process. I'm running into a problem where if the roscore is set on a host, lets say IP ending in 201, then the RTAB-Map on IP 201 starts up extremely quickly and runs well. If I also try and start an RTAB-Map on another platform (IP 202), it takes almost 10 minutes to initialize RTAB-Map ("Setting RTAB-Map parameter...") while the roscore (IP 201) is still running fine. Once the new platform (IP 202) passes its initialization, it then runs fine.

Why is this happening, and is there any way to make RTAB-Map initialize quickly? I need to run RTAB-Map on these platforms and I would like to be able to start them around the same time, rather than waiting 10 minutes for each to initialize.

Thank you!
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Re: Slow initialization with roscore on different IP


RTAB-Map on initialization talks with the ROS master for rosparam stuff. Not sure why it lags so much on initialization, unless the WIFI connection is bad. Are you connected wireless or directly with a cable? You may do a quick test with linking with cables to see if it is the problem.

After the initialization, rtabmap doesn't need the network anymore so it is why it can work normally after that, unless you are connected over network on some of its topics with RVIZ.
