Standalone windows with D435 freezing

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Standalone windows with D435 freezing

I'm trying to create a map with the Realsense D435 on the RTAB-Map standalone windows version and once I try to export as obj by enabling meshing and textures and the process just freezes at 99%, it only works for very small maps. Is there anything I should setup or do in order to avoid this?
Thank you.
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Re: Standalone windows with D435 freezing


Can you open your System Monitor and watch your memory usage. You may reach your maximum RAM. You could try to set poisson's depth to 8 to use less RAM.

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Re: Standalone windows with D435 freezing

My memory usage is around 59% while it tries to convert the obj (this is when setting the poisson's depth to 8), I tried twice with this setting, one time it succeeded but the obj seems wrong (attaching screenshots of the scan in rtab-map and the result in meshlab) and the second time it froze.
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Re: Standalone windows with D435 freezing

Can you help me understand why it could be that the mesh is wrong when opening in meshlab?
Anything else I could try?
I'm running on a Surface book 2, with an i7 and 16GB of RAM.
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Re: Standalone windows with D435 freezing

Can you share the database?
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Re: Standalone windows with D435 freezing

I'm including a link to the database file.
I'm using both D435 and T265.
Thank you for the help.
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Re: Standalone windows with D435 freezing


rtabmap.tmp.db is a temporary database, normally you should not use it directly. If rtabmap crashes during the scan, there is a tool called rtabmap-recovery.exe in the bin folder of RTAB-Map, in a command window:
rtabmap-recovery.exe rtabmap.tmp.db

If you open that new database in RTAB-Map.exe, you should see the whole map correctly loaded. In File->Export 3D Clouds, set those parameters:

When correctly exported:

Note that the screenshots above are from linux, but I did try with 0.20.3 Windows version and it should work (the whole system RAM usage didn't get over 6GB). The results on Windows: on left the PLY (when texture mapping is off) and on he right the OBJ (when texture mapping is on), then opened in Meshlab (shading off, backface culling on):

Note that you can do Edit->View Clouds to just look at the result before exporting (it can be faster to check the effect of some parameters). Here is a preliminary example when I tuned the max range parameter to filter the points outside the room (because of the window):

As you are using the T265 for odometry, you can check "Use odometry instead of IMU orientation to add gravity links to new nodes created." in Preferences->RGB-D SLAM panel with "Gravity sigma value"=0.3 in Graph Optimization panel. We cannot see as much difference in this map, but for larger maps the optimization will include gravity constraints to make sure the floor is always straight.

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Re: Standalone windows with D435 freezing

Hi Mathieu,

Thank you for your answer. I managed to export after using rtabmap-recovery.exe and then using the settings you specified.
Just to clarify, do I need to always run rtabmap-recovery.exe on the temporary database created? If not, where is the database that is not temporary and should be used for export (I can't find it on my working directory)?

Thank you.
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Re: Standalone windows with D435 freezing


When you stop a scan, you have to do also File->"Close database" to actually close the database. A dialog will pop up to ask on which name you want it, then rtabmap.tmp.db will be saved to this name correctly.
