Static multi rgbd camera mapping with gazebo.

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Static multi rgbd camera mapping with gazebo.

I am working on a simulation using static rgbd camera. My goal is to use these camera to generate a global costmap for a mobile robot. I followed the exemples I found and have a kind of result, but it does not match reallity. I guess I have a TF issue somewhere but I can not find it.
I work on ROS melodic.
Here is the node graphe I get:
node graphe

Here is the tf tree

Here is the result I get in RVIZ. The costmap does not correspond to the 2 pointclouds (in color)

Here is the launch file I use for RTABmap:
    <arg name="localization"            default="false"/>

    <arg     if="$(arg localization)" name="args" default=""/>
    <arg unless="$(arg localization)" name="args" default="--delete_db_on_start"/>

    <arg name="odom_topic"              default="/odom" />   

   <arg name="wait_for_transform"  default="true" />

    <group ns="camera1">

        <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="camera1_nodelet_manager" args="manager"
            output="screen" launch-prefix="">

        <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="rgbd_sync" args="load rtabmap_ros/rgbd_sync camera1_nodelet_manager">
            <remap from="rgb/image"         to="/fixed_camera_1/color/image_raw"/>
            <remap from="depth/image"       to="/fixed_camera_1/depth/image_raw"/>
            <remap from="rgb/camera_info"   to="/fixed_camera_1/color/camera_info"/>

    <group ns="camera2">

        <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="camera2_nodelet_manager" args="manager"
            output="screen" launch-prefix="">

        <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="rgbd_sync" args="load rtabmap_ros/rgbd_sync camera2_nodelet_manager">
            <remap from="rgb/image"         to="/fixed_camera_2/color/image_raw"/>
            <remap from="depth/image"       to="/fixed_camera_2/depth/image_raw"/>
            <remap from="rgb/camera_info"   to="/fixed_camera_2/color/camera_info"/>

    <group ns="rtabmap">

    <node name="rtabmap" pkg="rtabmap_ros" type="rtabmap" output="screen" args="$(arg args)">
        <rosparam command="load" file="$(find global_local_map_validation)/params/rtabmap_static_cam.yaml" />
        <remap from="rgbd_image0"       to="/camera1/rgbd_image"/> 
        <remap from="rgbd_image1"       to="/camera2/rgbd_image"/>

        <remap from="grid_map"          to="map" />
        <remap from="odom"              to="$(arg odom_topic)"/>




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Re: Static multi rgbd camera mapping with gazebo.


I am not sure you need a SLAM package to generate a costmap from two static cameras that are not on the robot. It may be possible to do though. For rtabmap node, what is the frame_id set? Don't use the one on the robot, but I would use a fixed called "world" that will be the parent of the two cameras in TF tree.

For rtabmap node:


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Re: Static multi rgbd camera mapping with gazebo.

Thank you for the answer :)
So far a SLAM package seems indeed a bit to much, but I plan to work with both static and mobile camera in the future, that is why I directly start with rtabmap.
I changed the frame_id, which was set to "base_link", to "map". But it didn t solved my problem.
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Re: Static multi rgbd camera mapping with gazebo.

Can you share the resulting database? OR if the database is empty, what kind of errors/warnings do you get on terminal?