I am running Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS with ROS Kinetic for SLAM using RTABMap using an Intel NUC6i5SYH (Core i5) 8GB RAM.
All the files are installed correctly; Ubuntu, ROS Kinetic, OpenCV, Drivers for Kinect, RTABMap, Turtlebot and Chefbot packages. The program also runs as expected. But as soon as I restart the NUC after a shutdown, it starts in low graphics mode.
I tried clicking on the options given but most of them just put me back at the warning screen. I tried reconfiguring the packages but that didn't work either.
I tried reinstalling ubuntu-desktop, lightdm and xorg files but to no avail. After a fresh install of ubuntu and reinstalling all the packages this problem comes again.
In the console login it gives the following errors
/dev/null: Permission denied
/dev/null: Permission denied
/dev/null: Permission denied
setup.sh: No such file or directory
When I use
locate setup.sh
I get multiple paths showing the setup.sh files.
The directory I last used bashrc was
I tried to use
source /home/nuc/catkin_ws/devel/setup.sh
as root but that didn't work either.
I have tried this for about 7 times and I can't seem to figure out what the matter is. Kindly help me resolve this issue.
Thank you