Trouble moving rover from rtabmapviz

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Trouble moving rover from rtabmapviz

I have recorded and localized my rover on a map generated on RTAB-Map.

When I send a goal, I can see it calculating the route.

But the rover won't move.

I have remapped grid_map to map.

<remap from="grid_map" to="/map"/> 

And I am using the following parameters to launch the move_base

   <node pkg="move_base" type="move_base" respawn="false" name="move_base" outpu$
      <param name="base_global_planner" value="navfn/NavfnROS"/>
      <param name="base_local_planner" value="addwa_local_planner/ADDWAPlannerROS$
      <rosparam file="$(find nav_test)/config/fake/costmap_common_params.yaml" co$
      <rosparam file="$(find nav_test)/config/fake/costmap_common_params.yaml" co$
      <rosparam file="$(find nav_test)/config/fake/local_costmap_params.yaml" com$
      <rosparam file="$(find nav_test)/config/fake/global_costmap_params.yaml" co$
      <rosparam file="$(find nav_test)/config/fake/base_local_planner_params2.yam$

move_base seems to launch fine, but when rtab_map localizes and publishes the map, I get the following warning: (I get this warning before I send a goal)

[ WARN] [1552382399.156435540]: MSG to TF: Quaternion Not Properly Normalized

I have tried resetting the odometry in rtabmapviz (Detection->"Reset odometry") as suggested in here

The /cmd_vel topic is empty.

How would I go about debugging this?

Please note that I am new to ROS, so it is entirely possible that I have missed a step somewhere.

Let me know if you need any info about my setup.

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Re: Trouble moving rover from rtabmapviz
