Troubles trying to have RTAB-MAP work on my work station

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Troubles trying to have RTAB-MAP work on my work station


I'm trying to use RTAB-Map with a turtlebot2 which is controlled remotely from a workstation. I followed already the ros tutorials to set up the network configuration on both the Turtlebot2 notebook and on my workstation. I already tested if I can see, from my workstation, images taken by the turtlebot2. I used from my workstation:

rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/depth/image_rect

It works well. I have installed RTAB-MAP in both the turtlebot2 and the workstation. When I run RTAB_MAP directly from the turtlebot2 notebook, it works well. However, when I ssh into the turtlebot from the workstation and try to run RTAB-MAP just shows a black screen and the terminal shows the folloing errors.

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Re: Troubles trying to have RTAB-MAP work on my work station


So when running rtabmap on turtlebot's laptop is fine but not when running on the workstation. Make sure date/time is synchronized between the PCs. If the workstation is trying also to subscribe to raw image topics at 30 Hz, you may have a network bandwith problem. Start on turtlebot the camera, then on the workstation, open 2 terminals and subscribe at the same time to /camera/rgb/image_rect_color and /camera/depth_registered/image_raw:
$ rostopic hz /camera/rgb/image_rect_color
$ rostopic hz /camera/depth_registered/image_raw
Open you System Monitor and look at the network history. Is it stable? What is the bandwidth used?
