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![]() Hi Mathieu, I am not able to view the loop closures. It used to pop up once a demo_mapping.bag was run. But, now the loop closures are not detected. |
Do you have errors on the terminal? rtabmap node seems not running.
There are no errors in the terminal as you can see in the screenshot. rtabmap node is running. I tried reinstalling rtabmap. But, still the problem persists.
![]() |
It is difficult to see on the small screenshot, but it seems that rtabmap node is subscribed to stereo images but the bag doesn't have stereo images. Normally when rtabmap node is running and receiving messages, there is a status message appearing at each second. Which launch file are you using? cheers, Mathieu |
I am following the exact steps from section 3.1
The same demo bag and the launch files. ![]() |
I tried with 0.11.8 binaries and I cannot reproduce the problem. Here is the output that you should normally see with the robot mapping demo:
roslaunch rtabmap_ros demo_robot_mapping.launch ... logging to /home/mathieu/.ros/log/c6baf79c-ca4f-11e7-b1ff-58b03561ac71/roslaunch-mathieu-MacBookPro-8022.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB. started roslaunch server http://mathieu-MacBookPro:36028/ SUMMARY ======== PARAMETERS * /points_xyzrgb/depth/image_transport: compressedDepth * /points_xyzrgb/queue_size: 10 * /points_xyzrgb/rgb/image_transport: compressed * /points_xyzrgb/voxel_size: 0.01 * /rosdistro: indigo * /rosversion: 1.11.21 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/Mem/IncrementalMemory: true * /rtabmap/rtabmap/Mem/InitWMWithAllNodes: false * /rtabmap/rtabmap/Optimizer/Slam2D: true * /rtabmap/rtabmap/RGBD/NeighborLinkRefining: true * /rtabmap/rtabmap/RGBD/OptimizeFromGraphEnd: false * /rtabmap/rtabmap/RGBD/ProximityBySpace: true * /rtabmap/rtabmap/RGBD/ProximityByTime: false * /rtabmap/rtabmap/Reg/Force3DoF: true * /rtabmap/rtabmap/Reg/Strategy: 1 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/Vis/InlierDistance: 0.1 * /rtabmap/rtabmap/depth/image_transport: compressedDepth * /rtabmap/rtabmap/frame_id: base_footprint * /rtabmap/rtabmap/rgb/image_transport: compressed * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_depth: True * /rtabmap/rtabmap/subscribe_scan: True * /rtabmap/rtabmap/wait_for_transform: True * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/depth/image_transport: compressedDepth * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/frame_id: base_footprint * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/rgb/image_transport: compressed * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/subscribe_depth: True * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/subscribe_scan: True * /rtabmap/rtabmapviz/wait_for_transform: True * /use_sim_time: True NODES /rtabmap/ rtabmap (rtabmap_ros/rtabmap) rtabmapviz (rtabmap_ros/rtabmapviz) / points_xyzrgb (nodelet/nodelet) auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [8034] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 setting /run_id to c6baf79c-ca4f-11e7-b1ff-58b03561ac71 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [8047] started core service [/rosout] process[rtabmap/rtabmap-2]: started with pid [8068] process[rtabmap/rtabmapviz-3]: started with pid [8072] process[points_xyzrgb-4]: started with pid [8073] [ INFO] [1510782965.323292511]: Starting node... [ INFO] [1510782965.391018281]: Starting node... [ INFO] [1510782965.505533099]: rtabmapviz: Using configuration from "/opt/ros/indigo/share/rtabmap_ros/launch/config/rgbd_gui.ini" [ INFO] [1510782966.391241501]: Reading parameters from the ROS server... [ INFO] [1510782966.566256352]: Parameters read = 0 [ INFO] [1510782966.827363956]: /rtabmap/rtabmapviz subscribed to: /data_throttled_image/compressed, /data_throttled_image_depth/compressedDepth, /data_throttled_camera_info, /az3/base_controller/odom, /jn0/base_scan [ INFO] [1510782966.850736839]: rtabmapviz started. [ INFO] [1510782974.837515635, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: frame_id = base_footprint [ INFO] [1510782974.837597660, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: map_frame_id = map [ INFO] [1510782974.837636973, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: queue_size = 10 [ INFO] [1510782974.837688563, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: tf_delay = 0.050000 [ INFO] [1510782974.837732153, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: tf_tolerance = 0.100000 [ INFO] [1510782974.837773532, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: depth_cameras = 1 [ INFO] [1510782974.837816210, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: approx_sync = true [ INFO] [1510782975.040573643, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Mem/IncrementalMemory"="true" [ INFO] [1510782975.041312154, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Mem/InitWMWithAllNodes"="false" [ INFO] [1510782975.202558368, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Optimizer/Slam2D"="true" [ INFO] [1510782975.237144171, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "RGBD/NeighborLinkRefining"="true" [ INFO] [1510782975.240519684, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "RGBD/OptimizeFromGraphEnd"="false" [ INFO] [1510782975.255148309, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "RGBD/ProximityBySpace"="true" [ INFO] [1510782975.255820270, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "RGBD/ProximityByTime"="false" [ INFO] [1510782975.269639760, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Reg/Force3DoF"="true" [ INFO] [1510782975.270589269, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Reg/Strategy"="1" [ INFO] [1510782975.463263999, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Vis/InlierDistance"="0.1" [ INFO] [1510782975.763842947, 1368730003.349367284]: RTAB-Map detection rate = 1.000000 Hz [ INFO] [1510782975.764149078, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: Deleted database "/home/mathieu/.ros/rtabmap.db" (--delete_db_on_start is set). [ INFO] [1510782975.764197374, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: Using database from "/home/mathieu/.ros/rtabmap.db". [ INFO] [1510782976.027060301, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: Database version = "0.11.8". [ INFO] [1510782976.238078072, 1368730003.349367284]: /rtabmap/rtabmap subscribed to: /data_throttled_image/compressed, /data_throttled_image_depth/compressedDepth, /data_throttled_camera_info, /az3/base_controller/odom, /jn0/base_scan [ INFO] [1510782976.238239499, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap 0.11.8 started... Note how it is not subscribed to stereo topics, because subscribe_depth is set in the launch file here. If I explicitly set subscribe_stereo to true, I can have almost your output but still with odometry subscription: [ WARN] [1510783493.953004000, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: Parameters subscribe_depth and subscribe_stereo cannot be true at the same time. Parameter subscribe_depth is set to false. [ INFO] [1510783493.970375896, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: frame_id = base_footprint [ INFO] [1510783493.970422477, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: map_frame_id = map [ INFO] [1510783493.970445549, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: queue_size = 10 [ INFO] [1510783493.970475903, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: tf_delay = 0.050000 [ INFO] [1510783493.970498516, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: tf_tolerance = 0.100000 [ INFO] [1510783493.970523226, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: depth_cameras = 1 [ INFO] [1510783493.970558953, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: approx_sync = true [ INFO] [1510783494.172023571, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Mem/IncrementalMemory"="true" [ INFO] [1510783494.172873217, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Mem/InitWMWithAllNodes"="false" [ INFO] [1510783494.327756637, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Optimizer/Slam2D"="true" [ INFO] [1510783494.358639866, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "RGBD/NeighborLinkRefining"="true" [ INFO] [1510783494.362206974, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "RGBD/OptimizeFromGraphEnd"="false" [ INFO] [1510783494.376826264, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "RGBD/ProximityBySpace"="true" [ INFO] [1510783494.377509048, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "RGBD/ProximityByTime"="false" [ INFO] [1510783494.388885110, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Reg/Force3DoF"="true" [ INFO] [1510783494.389681391, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Reg/Strategy"="1" [ INFO] [1510783494.604955467, 1368730003.349367284]: Setting RTAB-Map parameter "Vis/InlierDistance"="0.1" [ INFO] [1510783494.937828935, 1368730003.349367284]: RTAB-Map detection rate = 1.000000 Hz [ INFO] [1510783494.938020105, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: Deleted database "/home/mathieu/.ros/rtabmap.db" (--delete_db_on_start is set). [ INFO] [1510783494.938072874, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: Using database from "/home/mathieu/.ros/rtabmap.db". [ INFO] [1510783495.156945510, 1368730003.349367284]: rtabmap: Database version = "0.11.8". [ INFO] [1510783495.356428986, 1368730003.349367284]: /rtabmap/rtabmap subscribed to: /rtabmap/left/image_rect, /rtabmap/right/image_rect, /rtabmap/left/camera_info, /rtabmap/right/camera_info, /az3/base_controller/odom, /jn0/base_scan Note the warning "Parameters subscribe_depth and subscribe_stereo cannot be true at the same time. Parameter subscribe_depth is set to false.". Are you using a modified version of demo_robot_mapping.launch? cheers, Mathieu |
Thanks Mathieu. I reinstalled the entire RTABMap and was able to get the loop closures.
Is there any example data set with ground truth available and implemented on RTABMap? Thanks, Raksha |
The TUM rgbd slam datasets are compatible with a groundtruth. See for example.
Cheers, Mathieu |
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