Unintended re mapping of correctly mapped areas

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Unintended re mapping of correctly mapped areas

Hi Matthieu,

I am using RGBD camera for SLAM and I am having this issue where after mapping an area correctly, I move on to the adjacent area. However at the next area, if the camera faces the previously/correctly mapped area with an obstacle in between, the previous area gets overwritten with the projected obstacle. For example, the X's are the area that is incorrectly mapped onto the previous area.

  X              X
   X  ___  X

     \       /
      \    /
Robot in new area

How do i set it such that the robot stops remapping area that is done?
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Re: Unintended re mapping of correctly mapped areas


Do you use a D400? It looks like that those obstacles are coming from the error in the depth image over the edge of objects. There are noise parameters in Grid/ group that could be used to filter that noise before adding the points to map.
rtabmap --params | grep Grid/
