rtabmap uses ~/.ros/rtabmap.db database by default. To use another one set the parameter "database_path" to path of the database.
When localization is false, this is SLAM, so both mapping and localization.
On localization mode, the TF transform /map -> /odom would not be identify after a localization occurs. If rtabmapviz is used, the loop closure view turns green on localization. Another way to know it is to subscribe to
/rtabmap/info topic and see if this "loopClosureId" field is not 0:
$rostopic echo /rtabmap/info/loopClosureId
In localization mode, when a localization occurs, there is no way to know if it is correct or not. In SLAM mode, there is a verification to detect very large graph deformations after a wrong localization occurred, in order to reject it.