Using Remote mapping in Microsoft Azure (or any other Cloud Services)

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Using Remote mapping in Microsoft Azure (or any other Cloud Services)


I wanted to ask if it's possible to stream camera data to the cloud (Microsoft Azure), where I could run a Ubuntu VM and render the cloud map?

Thank you
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Re: Using Remote mapping in Microsoft Azure (or any other Cloud Services)

Hi Jamshid,

The tricky part is to convert ROS topics to be published over Internet, then convert them back to ROS topics on the cloud so you can use rtabmap_ros directly. You may search or ask on ROS answers which framework (e.g., webrtc) is the best to transfer ROS topics over internet.

Afterwards, it is more a problem of bandwidth, ping, connection reliability to be able to do remote mapping through internet. If you can do odometry onboard, rtabmap on the cloud would only require images at 1 Hz to use less bandwidth.
