If your positional transform is defined by /world -> /base_link TF, then yes, use odom_frame_id=world and frame_id=base_link.
On your setup, if you don't use "base_link", you should use the frame on the robot that is linked to /world frame.
If /world -> /base_link restart at (0,0,0) everytime, but not at origin of the room, if you know that the robot is starting at a specific position, you could make your positional information starting at that position, or add a TF frame before world with the offset:
/real_world -> /world -> /base_link
and use /real_world as odom_frame_id.
Note that you may change the "world" frame name if it is not a fixed frame in the real world, like with ground truth systems (e.g., VICON, optitrack). If it restarts to (0,0,0) anywhere the robot is started, you may probably rename it "odom" instead.
See frame convention here: