Using other map for navigation

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Using other map for navigation

 Hi again, Matlabbe!

Finally I have managed to mapping and navigation properly. Thanks for the help all the time.
This time, i'm curious whether there is a way to use other saved 2D map for auto-navigation.

During localization mode (for auto navigation), rtabmap seems like to localize it based on /rtabmap/grid_map.
However, I would like to use the projected_map (using .bt file) which is published by octomap_server_node.

Below are the steps that I've done.

- rtabmap
- octomap_saver to save specific octomap in .bt file

- rtabmap (localization only)
- octomap_server_node to publish .bt map that is saved above
- projected_map is published by octomap_server and is referred by auto-navigation package
- in rviz map, there I can choose either projected_map or rtabmap/grid_map for 2D map

I know that /rtabmap/grid_map can be referred by navigation package, but is there a way to use projected_map(saved in .bt format and published by octomap_server) for localization and navigation???

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Re: Using other map for navigation


Is it because you edited the bt file that you need to use octomap_server? Because you could subscribe to /rtabmap/octomap_grid directly without using octomap_server if your want the map from octomap projection (similar to "projected_map").

RTAB-Map doesn't localize in OctoMap, it localizes against images saved in the database. Normally, the octomap published by octomap_server would be in the same frame (map) than rtabmap localization (if you saved the final octomap created by rtabmap), so it is possible to run rtabmap and octomap_server at the same time. The map from octomap_server won't be used by rtabmap for localization, but can be used for navigation as input to move_base.
