Using the obj-ply generated by the rtabmap iOS app?

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Using the obj-ply generated by the rtabmap iOS app?

My question is two-fold:

1. The maps generated by the iOS app are beautiful! We are building an AMR with zedx camera. Would the obj-ply export generated by the mobile app be able to be loaded into the ros2 rtabmap instance running on our AMR and immediately used for localization? I was hoping to use it to generate a nice occupancy grid for navigation.

2. Are there ways to get a clean map like I can get from my phone using a camera on my AMR? The zedx is not giving nearly as clean images as the phone gives me in iOS. If it is because the iOS camera has lidar then I assume that these depth cameras like the oaks that integrate time of flight sensors might be better equipped than the zedx? Just trying to get a nice/reliable occupancy grid for nav2.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.