![]() Hi everyone, Is it possible not to visualize the laserscan or change its color, and just visualize the trajectory? I'm going to use the mapping result by RTABMAP in the paper, but it is easy to be confused with laserscan and trajectory. Another question, it is possible to visualize the xyz axis in all trajectory points in rtabmapviz? Sincerely Thanks, Severn |
You can hit keys (see at 2:20 of this video for example): - "1" (random color for each point cloud), - "2" (map color), - "3" (color gradient along x axis), - "4" (color gradient along y axis), - "5" (color gradient along z axis), - "6" (default RGB), - "7" (color according to point normals direction along x axis), - "8" (color according to point normals direction along y axis), - "9" (color according to point normals direction along z axis), to change the color of the point cloud. You can remove the point cloud by unchecking the related option in Preferences->3D Rendering (uncheck "Show 3D Clouds" under Map column). We cannot add small referentials on each pose of the trajectory. You can export the poses in txt though (File->Export poses...) and use them in another software to visualize. It would be indeed convenient to show them directly in rtabmapviz. In the past with PCL 1.7, we couldn't add more than one referential in the view, but now (PCL>=1.8) it is possible. I added an issue for this. Note that you can change the background color too, with right-click on the view. cheers, Mathieu |
Thanks for your great help!
How can I load my pointclouds, my trajectories and other data in rtabmap from previous experiments to the rtabmapviz visualization tool? In my knowledge, the rtabmapviz can be used for real-time mapping visualization, but I don't know if it can be used for displaying previous data and results. Thank you again for your continuous help. I believe that RTABMAP will become the standard of RGB-D SLAM. |
Yes, you may use the standalone version for convenience. It should be already installed if you are using rtabmap ROS (note that rtabmap databases on ROS are automatically saved in ~/.ros/rtabmap.db): $ rtabmap ~/.ros/rtabmap.dbYou can also use the database viewer: $ rtabmap-databaseViewer ~/.ros/rtabmap.db Thx for using it! cheers, Mathieu |
This post was updated on .
Thank you, Mathieu
I have following errors when trying to use the commands: rtabmap: error while loading shared libraries: libfreenect2.so.0.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory But the cmake process found the libfreenect2 library, the results are posted below. Could I use rosrun rtabmap_ros rtabmapviz to visualize the rtabmap.db? rabot@rabot:~/rtabmap_ws/rtabmap/build$ cmake .. -- checking for module 'openni-dev' -- package 'openni-dev' not found -- checking for module 'openni-dev' -- package 'openni-dev' not found -- checking for module 'openni-dev' -- package 'openni-dev' not found -- Found OpenMP -- Found OpenCV: /usr/include/opencv;/usr/include -- Found PCL: /usr/include/pcl-1.7;/usr/include/eigen3;/usr/include;/usr/include/ni;/usr/include/vtk-5.8 -- Found ZLIB: /usr/include -- Found Freenect: /opt/ros/indigo/include/libfreenect -- Found freenect2: /home/rabot/kinect2_ws/libfreenect2/include -- Found OpenNI2: /usr/include/openni2 -- Found DC1394: /usr/include/dc1394 -- Found g2o: /opt/ros/indigo/include;/usr/include/suitesparse;/usr/include/suitesparse -- GTSAM include directory: /usr/local/lib/cmake/GTSAM/../../../include;/usr/include;/usr/local/include/gtsam/3rdparty/Eigen/ -- Found cvsba: /usr/local/include -- Found RealSense: /opt/ros/indigo/include -- Found octomap: /opt/ros/indigo/include -- Found Pthreads -- -------------------------------------------- -- Info : -- Version : 0.11.12 -- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = /usr/local -- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = Release -- CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR = lib -- BUILD_APP = ON -- BUILD_TOOLS = ON -- BUILD_EXAMPLES = ON -- BUILD_SHARED_LIBS = ON -- CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS = -fmessage-length=0 -Wno-deprecated -fopenmp -std=c++11 -- With OpenCV 2 nonfree module (SIFT/SURF) = NO (not found, License: BSD) -- With Freenect = YES (License: Apache v2 and/or GPLv2) -- With OpenNI2 = YES (License: Apache v2) -- With Freenect2 = YES (License: Apache v2 and/or GPLv2) -- With dc1394 = YES (License: LGPL) -- With FlyCapture2/Triclops = NO (Point Grey SDK not found) -- With TORO = YES (License: Creative Commons [Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike]) -- With g2o = YES (License: BSD) -- With GTSAM = YES (License: BSD) -- With VERTIGO = YES (License: GPLv3) -- With cvsba = YES (License: GPLv2) -- With ZED = NO (ZED sdk not found) -- With RealSense = YES (License: Apache-2) -- With OCTOMAP = YES (License: BSD) -- With Qt4 = YES (License: Open Source or Commercial) -- -------------------------------------------- -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/rabot/rtabmap_ws/rtabmap/build Sincerely thanks, Severn |
Is libfreenect2 installed in /usr/local, or it is just built and not install? You may have to update the PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that the linker can find the library on runtime. cheers |
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