Complete newby.
Some history: I installed and tested Rtabmap on a Pi4 ages ago by following tutorials blindly and got it working after a few hick-ups. It being a Pi4 it just didn't have the processing power for the job and I abandoned Rtabmap.
Now installed Ros2 Humble on Pi4 but now have a gaming laptop to 'carry' the load so no rviz and such on the poor Pi.
Pi4 is setup with Kinect sensor V1(no freenect_launch for ros2) so current topics from kinect_node is:
SO these need to be remapped to topics that Rtabmap subscribes to.....
Been at it all day and goofling it but no joy. Help required,
Witch topics need to be remapped to required Rtabmap topics?
What topics do I require for Rtabmap?