Where can I track the position of the device?

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Where can I track the position of the device?

Hi everyone, I have a quick question regarding where in the code can I modify to track the position of the device?
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Re: Where can I track the position of the device?


Do you mean the visual odometry? the default odometry approach can be found here: https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap/blob/master/corelib/src/odometry/OdometryF2M.cpp
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Re: Where can I track the position of the device?

Hi @matlabbe, thank you for the response. I was thinking of tracking the pose. I know that there is an optimized pose v.s. non-optimized pose. Is there a way to track and store the optimized pose in real time?
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Re: Where can I track the position of the device?

Ah okay you mean the pose in map frame. With ROS, you could subscribe to odometry topic and use TF to get map ->base_link frame at the stamp of the odometry msg.

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Re: Where can I track the position of the device?

Oh alright, thanks man. You are a real one for that ;)