Windows Compilation - VS2015 - Release 0.11.8

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Windows Compilation - VS2015 - Release 0.11.8


I am currently trying to compile the latest Release 0.11.8 from source on Windows platform.

I downloaded zlib, PCL 1.8.0, Boost 1.61, Eigen 3, Flann, Qhull, VTK 7 and g2o.

I unchecked Qt and was able to get through the compilation.

At the end, when I run rtabmap-rgbd_camera.exe, it's running at 5 to 8 fps. When I replace the PCL DLL with your prebuilt archive, it jumps to 1000fps.

So I probably have some wrong configuration in the PCL settings or one of its third party dependencies.

Is there a way to share your notes or prebuilt PCL library and its third party for VS2015- 64 bits ?

Thank you!

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Re: Windows Compilation - VS2015 - Release 0.11.8

There are no custom steps to build PCL/VTK or other dependencies. Just make sure that all dependencies are built in **Release** config instead of **Debug**.

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Re: Windows Compilation - VS2015 - Release 0.11.8

Yes, everything was built in Release.

On my part, I had some problems compiling on Windows. For example, with PCL 1.8, I had to fix a CPP file that was not compiling (missing int cast operation at two lines of code). With cvsba, the compilation of rtabmap failed because it was looking for a static library, when the library was hardcoded to "shared" in the cmakelist. OpenCV 3.1 was not compiling with opencv_world and contrib until I moved the contrib modules to the opencv modules and uncheck a few that were not compiling because of min/max or others problems.

If you built everything from source with the basic cmake project, I would really like to know. There was so much choice in all libraries (opengl 1 or opengl 2 backend, cuda, opencl, openmp vs intel tbb, with_*)...

Thank you!
