With B, rtabmap switches by default to lidar-only mapping Grid/FromDepth=false. You can explicitly set back Grid/FromDepth=true to come back to method A for the occupancy grid, while lidar can still be used for localization.
It is
pretty new, so not heavily tested yet, but Grid/GromDepth has been migrated to Grid/Sensor parameter to add option to use both lidar and depth sensors for occupancy grid (when Grid/Sensor=2). You may give a try, otherwise with older rtabmap versions, I would stick to Grid/FromDepth=true if you really need to detect objects under lidar height
OR (
what I do in general) is to keep Grid/FromDepth=false with the lidar to get a nice global occupancy grid but in move_base's local costmap I include the camera point cloud so that the local planner can avoid small objects even if they are not in the global map (here is an example: using
this and
this for the local costmap config).