ZED camera mapping

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ZED camera mapping


I am having problems taking data output from the ZED camera and processing it in RTAB-Map. This could be because it does not use the openni driver. Is there a way of running RTAB-Map taking data directly from the ros topics published by the ZED wrapper? The topics published by the camera are defined in the launch file at this link: https://github.com/stereolabs/zed-ros-wrapper/blob/master/launch/zed_depth.launch

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Re: ZED camera mapping

You can use the ZED wrapper like OpenNI. From what I see from your referred launch file, it uses the same topics as OpenNI, so you may be able to follow the RGB-D Hand-Held Mapping With a Kinect tutorial:
$ roslaunch zed_wrapper zed_depth.launch
$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros rgbd_mapping.launch rtabmap_args:="--delete_db_on_start"

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Re: ZED camera mapping

Thanks very much, I think my ZED wrapper node was outdated but I've got the mapping working now.
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Re: ZED camera mapping

How well does the Zed camera work with rtabmap? I've heard that it relies on the computer to put the depth stream together, does that leave much room for rtabmap to work it's magic?
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Re: ZED camera mapping

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I am running rtabmap along with the ZED on the Jetson TK1 and its had no problems running both at the same time