Zed 2i odometry + Intel Realsense L515 RGB-D?

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Zed 2i odometry + Intel Realsense L515 RGB-D?

RTABMap has an option for "dual mode" usage of a D400/L500 for RGB-D and a T265 for odometry computation. We currently have an L515 and a Zed 2i and wonder if we can have the Zed 2i fulfill the role of the T265 in such a setup. What kind of settings should we use if this is possible?
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Re: Zed 2i odometry + Intel Realsense L515 RGB-D?


In latest rtabmap version, the dual mode has been generalized to other sensors, like ZED. There is now a Odometry Sensor option:

The "Calibrate Extrinsics" button can be used for convenience to compute the transform between the cameras.

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Re: Zed 2i odometry + Intel Realsense L515 RGB-D?

Oh wow that looks great! Should we build the master branch from source to get that functionality?
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Re: Zed 2i odometry + Intel Realsense L515 RGB-D?
