after ctivation of camera, /rtabmap/localization_pose is not publishing anymore!!

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after ctivation of camera, /rtabmap/localization_pose is not publishing anymore!!


I want to uese rgbd camera in rtabmap. so i have activated camera, and visual-odometry. but as i checked upon activation of camera, localization_pose is not publishing:

masoumeh@masoumeh-ThinkPad-T490s:~/catkin_ws$ rostopic hz /rtabmap/localization_pose
subscribed to [/rtabmap/localization_pose]
no new messages
no new messages
no new messages
no new messages

while if i deactivate camera, i can see that localization-pose is publishing!

How can i solve this issue?
how can i identify that the vehicle has localizaed itself in the map?
