camera based Navigation

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camera based Navigation

Hi all,

Device: Jetson TX2 (JP3.3).
Camera: Zed camera (SDK2.8.3).
ROS: Kinetic.

I am trying to do autonomous navigation based on the 3D camera, the camera is giving the odometry and pose, and I can map the room in RTAB_Map.

I have a Kuka Youbot and I want to achieve autonomous navigation by Rviz.

My question is can I use move base to do that and how ? Please guide me .

thanks in advance.
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Re: camera based Navigation


It is more a question about the navigation stack of ros:
I suggest to follow their tutorials to make your robot ready for navigation.

If you want to see a full working example in simulation with rtabmap, see the turtlebot3 example on this page (turtlebot3 packages are also available on kinetic):
