can you provide as with example on path planning with Rtab-map

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can you provide as with example on path planning with Rtab-map

Dear Sir
can you provide as with example on path planning with Rtab-map

Thanks for your support
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Re: can you provide as with example on path planning with Rtab-map

This is a new feature (on 0.8.3) to help setting goals accordingly to the current local map and independently of the mapping session. When the memory management is disabled, this should work like setting goals to move_base on "/move_base_simple/goal" topic. For more information about setting goals to move_base, visit the navigation tutorials. The goal sent to rtabmap is linked to the map's graph, so if the map's graph changes because of loop closures, the goal position is automatically updated and sent back to move_base. A more detailed documentation should be done in the next weeks.

Here are the new topics added on the rtabmap node:
Topic input:
- "goal" (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)

Topic output:
- "goal_out" (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
- "goal_reached" (std_msgs/Bool)
- "global_path" (nav_msgs/Path)
- "local_path" (nav_msgs/Path)

- "RGBD/GoalReachedRadius" (default 1 m)

So in a setup with move_base, you may remap "goal_out" to "/move_base_simple/goal" and send your goals on rtabmap's "goal" topic. There is also a service "set_goal" (rtabmap_ros/SetGoal) that can be used to set goal using a Node ID in the map's graph instead of a pose.