demo_two_kinect data error!!

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demo_two_kinect data error!!

Mr. Labbe

I run your demo_two_kinect.launch ,but I there is  error as in the picture.
Main window.cpp:2116::processRtabmaoEvent3DMap() received with code error1!

Thank you for your help!
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Re: demo_two_kinect data error!!


That error ("MainWindow.cpp:2740::processRtabmapEvent3DMap() Map received with code error 1!") happens when rtabmap node is dead or is not in the same namespace than rtabmapviz (i.e., rtabmapviz cannot communicate with rtabmap node). Look at the terminal for any errors.

I tested with 0.11:
$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros demo_two_kinects.launch

I tested 0.10 (actual ros binaries) and it works but odometry is less good.
