Hi everyone,
I'm trying to use demo_two_kinects.launch and slightly change the second camera orientation to 90 degrees in counterclockwise. I find that the visualization module can't keep stable in 10 seconds, either by rtabmapviz or rviz. However the proj_map is published stably and can be visualized in rviz.
And here's the fatal error:
[FATAL] (2016-11-23 20:57:45.144) util3d.cpp:370::cloudFromDepthRGB() Condition ((model.imageHeight() == 0 && model.imageWidth() == 0) || (model.imageHeight() == imageRgb.rows && model.imageWidth() == imageRgb.cols)) not met!
If you have any idea about the error, pls post it! Thank you in advance!