depth sensor for ipad 7th generation

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depth sensor for ipad 7th generation


I am a student working on a project about using lidar to measure a room. Unfortunately, my school gave me an iPad 7th generation to do this project. After doing some research, I found that I can use an external depth camera for this. I am wondering what depth camera/ lidar sensor you would recommend and would be compatible with the iPad I am given.
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Re: depth sensor for ipad 7th generation

The RTAB-Map iOS app doesn't currently support external depth sensors. Note sure if there are many depth cameras supported on iOS. One sensor I know is the Structure sensor, but it is kinda the same price (or even more expensive) than buying a new iPad Pro with internal LiDAR. Some old iPad Pro with LiDAR seem to be under 600$, which is hard to beat to avoid struggling with an external sensor (that could have synchronization and calibration issues).