display the point cloud in another computer

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display the point cloud in another computer

Hello matlabbe,

I set up rtabmap on robot, which does not have a display screen. So is there a way to display the point cloud on another computer among network.

The position of robot is very important to me, I think camera_link stands for the positon, am I right? I can get the camera_link in rviz. So how can I get it from TF in ros? Thanks!
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Re: display the point cloud in another computer


The way that takes the less bandwidth is to add a MapCloudDisplay in RVIZ on the remote computer and subscribe to /rtabmap/mapData for a 3D map. You can also subscribe to /rtabmap/grid_map (if you have laser scans) or /rtabmap/proj_map for a 2D map.

To get the current position of the robot, you can create a TF listener. See this tutorial (for python click here).
