I have a Realsense D435 and Lidar A2 which is connected to raspberry pi 4 4gb. I am using rtabmap slam for the fusion of two sensors to do localization, mapping, and navigation.
I run launch files of camera, lidar and rtabmap on pi and pi is connect to the client pc to have a visualization on it. I have a problem with pi because it isn't powerful enough to handle calculations it gets crashed all the time.
is there a way to reduce computation on pi? or another recommendation it would be a great help.
Thanks for a quick reply. I don't have any odometry I am using rtabmap slam for the camera and after a while map was getting messy and the pictures weren't aligned and it is so hard to understand the map.
so I decided to take odometry source from lidar itself to have better map quality but now pi is crashing.