grid_map_assembler error!

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grid_map_assembler error!

I have tried to build 2D occupancy grid map,but the grid_map_assembler has error like that:
[ INFO] [1416970304.060820622]: Odom: quality=191, update time=0.018990s
[ INFO] [1416970304.092346833]: Odom: quality=198, update time=0.019463s
[ INFO] [1416970304.125474854]: Odom: quality=206, update time=0.020762s
[ INFO] [1416970304.125816132]: rtabmap: Update rate=0.500000s, Limit=0.000000s, Processing time = 0.162827s (1 local nodes)

FATAL message occurred! Application will now exit.
  [FATAL] (2014-11-26 10:51:44.127) util3d.cpp:3037::rayTrace() Condition (end.y >= 0 && end.y < grid.rows) not met! [end.x=30 grid.cols=30]
[ INFO] [1416970304.162128429]: Odom: quality=211, update time=0.020885s
[ INFO] [1416970304.193103142]: Odom: quality=217, update time=0.020141s
[ INFO] [1416970304.225521380]: Odom: quality=203, update time=0.020352s
[ INFO] [1416970304.264273377]: Odom: quality=210, update time=0.023184s
[ INFO] [1416970304.299496206]: Odom: quality=211, update time=0.025917s
[ INFO] [1416970304.328830707]: Odom: quality=202, update time=0.024001s
[ INFO] [1416970304.366956691]: Odom: quality=214, update time=0.025804s
[ INFO] [1416970304.397069942]: Odom: quality=202, update time=0.024076s
[rtabmap/grid_map_assembler-26] process has died [pid 5700, exit code 1, cmd /home/ycb13/catkin_ws/devel/lib/rtabmap/grid_map_assembler grid_map:=/map __name:=grid_map_assembler __log:=/home/ycb13/.ros/log/224957b6-750d-11e4-b935-3417ebd919cc/rtabmap-grid_map_assembler-26.log].
log file: /home/ycb13/.ros/log/224957b6-750d-11e4-b935-3417ebd919cc/rtabmap-grid_map_assembler-26*.log
[ INFO] [1416970304.427779609]: Odom: quality=209, update time=0.022891s
[ INFO] [1416970304.466547261]: Odom: quality=216, update time=0.025023s

Can you help me to solve this problem?
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Re: grid_map_assembler error!

Yeah it is a bug that is normally fixed from r1997. If updating the code doesn't help, tell me! :P

Update svn and remake the library, don't forget to reinstall it:
~$ cd rtabmaplib
~/rtabmaplib$ svn up
~/rtabmaplib$ cd build
~/rtabmaplib/build$ make
~/rtabmaplib/build$ make install

~/rtabmaplib/build$ cd ~/catkin_ws
~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make
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Re: grid_map_assembler error!

I have solve this problem following your instruction,Thank you very much.
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Re: grid_map_assembler error!

But I have suggestion :Can you  move more instructions  such as documents to github?
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Re: grid_map_assembler error!

Thx for the suggestion. I've added the update instructions at the bottom of the new rtabmap_ros page on GitHub.