how can I force RTABMAP to transfer location from WM to LTR?

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how can I force RTABMAP to transfer location from WM to LTR?

Dear Sir
how can I force RTABMAP to transfer location from WM to LTR?
if I add the location to the list immunizedLocations, it will remove it from WM and transfer to LTM

Thanks for your support
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Re: how can I force RTABMAP to transfer location from WM to LTR?


Normally, if you add it to immunizedLocations, the location won't be transferred to LTM. The argument to Memory::forget() method is the locations that should not be transferred.

There is no direct call to force a transfer of a particular location to LTM. A hack could be to add all locations to immunizedLocations except the one you want to transfer. If you need to remove many signatures, just call Memory::forget() multiple time the same way.

I added an issue to add an argument to forget with a list of locations that we would want to be transferred first.

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Re: how can I force RTABMAP to transfer location from WM to LTR?

Thanks for your fast support
I will try to make new function If I success I will send to you