how to compare the result of rtabmap gained from visual-odometry vs icp-odometry and decide which of them is better?!

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how to compare the result of rtabmap gained from visual-odometry vs icp-odometry and decide which of them is better?!

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I want to do a test once with rtabmap while i have visual odometry, and the other time running rtabmap while i have activated icp-odometry. How can i compare the results (in terms of accuracy), and make a decision that which one works better?

I also wanted to change fearure-descriptors (surf, sift, orb ,....) as well, and have a comparison from the output of rtabmap with different descriptors, how can i do this??

thanks a lot
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Re: how to compare the result of rtabmap gained from visual-odometry vs icp-odometry and decide which of them is better?!


To change feature type, see my answer here:

To compare trajectory accuracy, you will need a ground truth from TF (see ground_truth_frame_id and  ground_truth_base_frame_id to add one), then you will be able to see the ground truth as gray trajectory and RMSE in Statistics/Gt view. You can also do Export Poses... at the end to get the poses in txt format. A ground truth would be recorded with Vicon or Optitrack -like systems.