how to get the time for feature extraction

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how to get the time for feature extraction

Hello matlabbe,

I want to get the time for feature extraction to compare the performance between SIFT and SUFT.

I found two things: Keypoints 3D and Keypoints detection in  Statistics window, and I can get the figure about these, but there are no notes in Statistics Class. So please can you tell me I am right?  Thx!
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Re: how to get the time for feature extraction


If it is only to compare features extraction time from different algorithms, using find-object may be more easier to use.

In RTAB-Map, you should look under the Statistics view / TimingMem tab. Look for "Keypoints detection" and "Descriptors extraction". The number of features extracted is shown under "keypoint" tab, label "Keypoints count in the last signature".


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Re: how to get the time for feature extraction

Thanks, matlabbe!

I use different feature type to test, and I think GFIT+BRIEF is a good choice.
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Re: how to get the time for feature extraction

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Well that depends for which purpose. For odometry, GFTT+BRIEF works well as we need something fast and the scale/rotation between two consecutive images don't change too much. SIFT and SURF are rotation/scale invariant, which I find better for loop closure detection over large environments.
