To limit to maximum the RAM usage of the app (for longer scanning sessions), here some settings that can be changed:
* Point Cloud Density -> Very Low
* Point Size -> Can be increased (e.g. 30) to better see the cloud
* Mapping -> Update Rate -> Set 0.5 Hz if you don't move fast or if you don't care having some holes in the resulting mesh
* Mapping -> Max Features Extracted (Vocabulary) -> Can be reduced (e.g., 200) to decrease visual vocabulary size
* Mapping -> Database in Memory -> Make sure this is disabled (default)
By clicking the "Eye" bottom right button in the main view, set rendering mode to Point Cloud instead of Texture Mesh or Mesh.
When you stop scanning, don't click on "Only Optimize" or "Yes" options, click on "Save First".
I would then recommend to do post-processing using
RTAB-Map Desktop app (File -> Export 3D Clouds...).
After doing small tests here with these parameters, the RAM is still increasing almost 1 MB every 2 sec. With some small code modifications, we could save significantly even more RAM. With Android app, we can launch a "trajectory" mode that will show only the trajectory so far without any 3D rendering. I could check to bring that mode on iOS app. I created an
issue about that.